Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 99: Spring Cleaning

Some people despise spring cleaning, but I LOVE it. There's something about just getting rid of crap that feels very liberating.
This year I've been trying to keep a pretty tight ship due to lack of storage space in my home, so my cleaning and organizing has not been quite as extensive this season. 

In any case, I do have a list that I follow during the week or two it'll take me to get it done. The list is really just so I have something to scratch off when I complete a task. It makes me feel accomplished ...even if I'm just checking off "Wake Up and Brush Teeth."

1. Collect cleaning supplies
Baking soda // Vinegar // Bleach // Multi surface spray // Rags // Trash bags // Sponges

I'll be the first to say I don't live a very "Green" lifestyle...and my cleaning supplies are no different. To be more cost effective I usually pick up items at the Dollar Store. 

2. Clean out dresser

I like to tackle the area that I feel like will make the biggest impact first. I'd say my clothes/shoes/accessories make up about 60% of my belongings. 

I make a pile for donations, a pile of things to toss, and a pile of things to mend. I've already been through my drawers a few times this past year, so I there wasn't anything new to add to my Because I Shop too Much closet.

It felt GREAT throwing away a half dozen t-shirts from the bar I worked at this past year. Seriously...out with the old!

3. Go through delicates

I throw away any socks without a mate (if all my laundry is done...) and all underwear that I would dub "last resort" undies. Plus any bra that I wore during college. Because I'm 27 and that means it's probably been around the block a time or 2.

4. Jewelry

Does anyone else have a hard time parting with old jewelry? Generally, I keep all of my regularly worn items up front and center. But when it's time to get rid of things, suddenly I get sentimental!
The long forgotten boxes in back full of costume jewelry from grandma or gifts from old boyfriends (ahem, a BUNNYfly necklace...Yep. It's butterfly wings with a bunny where the body should be. And it's as horrific as it sounds.)

5. The Closet

I think it's easiest to just empty out EVERYTHING and start fresh. My apartment looks like an hurricane hit it, but I can see everything when it's out!

Color coordinating is my jam. After I try everything on, I hang all the dresses I'm keeping. From there all my black and grey tops (because that's what I own the most those items stay up front!) Some years I've done it by the colors of the rainbow, other years I sort it by warm and cool colors. I like organizing, but I'm no good at consistency!

I've been working on having a cohesive closet for years. One year I bought several clear plastic boxes to store my shoes. I've been swapping out all my plastic hangers for black fancy no-slip hangers. And I've been finding great hooks and hangers for all my scarfs!

At this point, I'm most likely sitting in the center of my old photo albums, wearing an old prom dress, a wig from a past costume party, and have had a few too many glasses of cheap wine. 

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