Saturday, January 12, 2013

Today is this fellas birthday! Yay!

But quite frankly, I've been dreading this weekend since I've taken the Spending Fast oath (you know, "I solemnly swear not to spend a dime...") Sigh.

I love birthdays! Mine AND others! I love picking out the perfect gifts or buying people dinner (or...getting them shmammered.)  So I've been scratching my head all week as to how I could make him feel special without buying him anything.

I started by handmaking him a card. That was a no-brainer. I dug around in my craft box to find some blank accordion style card stock left over from a book binding class. With some markers and sincere words, I came up with something (generic) Hallmark would be proud of :)

I also baked cupcakes for 2. Most recipes make 18+ treats! And seeing as he doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, what a waste that would be. I found this Very Vanilla recipe that was perfect (because what's a birthday without cake?!)

Then I found my favorite book on my bookshelf. After some serious consideration as to the level of tackiness, I found a roll of leopard wrapping paper in the closet, and stuck a bow on it.

I think he was actually kind of annoyed when I pulled his gifts out of my bag, as he knows I'm not supposed to be spending money AND he mayyy have said he didn't want anything.

Until he realized what a clever, cheeky little girlfriend he has! Because as much as I want to share this book with him, he grinned when I mentioned that I would like it back when he's finished with it.

(The book is Just Kids by Patti Smith, by the way! :) )

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